We leave tomorrow night for Panama City. We are taking the red eye... which is great if you can sleep on airplanes- and terrible if you can't. We will be in Panama for 5 days, arriving home late Friday night. I am extremely anxious about being away from Anna. I am worried that I will miss her so much, that I won't be able to concentrate on the task at hand. But I know that I must go on this trip... that the Lord has many things to show me, and so, in pure obedience, I will go and pray that God will strengthen me emotionally while I am away from my baby.
The main purpose of this trip is to search for housing. The other couple, Bert and Vero, will also be looking for a place to live. We need to find two houses near each other, as Bert and Eric will be sharing a car... at least for awhile. We hope to move in January, and to have our housing all arranged prior to our arrival.
Here is a list of prayer requests for this trip. If the Lord leads you to pray for us, we would greatly appreciate it!
1. Safe travel
2. Emotional strength (for me!)
3. That the Lord would lead and guide our steps as we look for housing
4. Ministry opportunities as they arise
5. Confirmation and peace- that our plans and timing are within God's will
Thank you to all of you who tell me that you are checking our blog and praying for us as we begin this huge transition! We love and appreciate all of you so much!
It's been a long time!
Somehow we got very busy once we had a toddler around! Here are a few
pictures just for fun. Anyone still checking? Leave me a comment!
Mary helping James ...
10 years ago
can't wait to hear all about it!