
Just a small stack of blue tubs

What you see here is a picture of all of our possessions! I have spent the past 2 months purging, purging, purging! We have managed to wean down our belongings to just the items that would be more expensive to replace than to ship via cargo plane. I am taking my pots and pans, my sewing machine and large tub of fabric (which may not seem like a necessity... but it is for me!), and lots and lots of books! I have been collecting children's books for years in anticipation of having kids. I am thrilled with my vast collection... and can't wait to organize them all on bookshelves in Anna's new room. Eric has also has tons of books, study guides & resources and electronic toys of course (boys!).

It feels very free to have so little to my name... but also very weird to see my life packed into a small stack of blue tubs. Oh well............... VAMOS A PANAMA!!!!


  1. Wow Linds, you sure have done an amazing job preparing your family for this move! Although you have always been very organized. =)

  2. Which organisation do you belong to, we are also missionaries with NTM. We have three kids and would love to contact you and change information especially with homeschooling. My email is lerouxs@ntm.org.uk
