Well, it's been awhile since I've posted. We've just been pretty busy down here! Pastor Bert and Vero are in the good ol' US of A right now... and we pray that they are having a truly blessed time with their family and friends! And... it'll be our turn very soon! YAY!!! Eric, Anna, and I will be making a trip home at the end of June.... for a whole month!!! I can't hardly wait. I miss all of you guys so so so much. I can't wait for my first Sunday morning back at CCSFS. Praise the Lord for home!
Please pray for Eric, as for the next 3 weeks, in Bert's absence, he will be teaching on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and Saturday afternoons in spanish!!!
It's been a long time!
Somehow we got very busy once we had a toddler around! Here are a few
pictures just for fun. Anyone still checking? Leave me a comment!
Mary helping James ...
10 years ago
Good luck Eric! I know you will do fantastic! Have a wonderful time back home, oh I bet that will be such a fun reunion!