
I just had to share!

Well, in the thrill and excitement of our upcoming MONTH in America, I realized that I needed to buy Anna a swimsuit & hat. We have several water excursions planned during our visit to the states, and since summer is over here in Panama, swimsuit pickings are slim!

So, for the first time since leaving the states, I went online shopping! I stumbled upon the most adorable swimsuit on sale at the Gap, and a matching hat & flip flops at Old Navy! (And did you know that in the blessedness of online consumerism, the Gap and Old Navy now have a single shopping bag and checkout system- allowing you to shop at both stores and checkout & pay just once! Oh the joy! (Of course, I won't get to enjoy that convenience very often... I don't want you to get the wrong impression... we live very frugally down here in Latin America!)

Anyways, I'm just so excited about this purchase for my little girl... that I just had to share!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Hope you have a blast when you go back home to southern california!!!
