
A Glimpse of Our Neighborhood

As we were leaving for our afternoon walk yesterday, I decided that I would bring along my camera and take some photos of our neighborhood. Enjoy! :)
...heading down the street...
...hmmmm, my favorite would have to be the blue bolders as lawn decor...

...neato trees...

...some in weird planters...

...photo opp...

... Anna makes a friend, they are picking up trash by the way...
...our lovely park...
...daddy & Dewey...
... leaving the park...
...we pass an interesting house...
... home sweet home...


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  1. Thanks for stopping by and entering my contest. Keep checking back, we'll have more contests in the future.

  2. Neat photos!! Love the "nice" park!! LOL

  3. Thank you for sharing the photos! I love the one of Anna and her new friend. Kathryn has those shoes. :-) It's pretty different from where we are... and not-so-different at the same time.

  4. Thanks for sharing...its very cool to put a picture with the place. I have to say I think of you guys often in my day to day stuff...think of the different environment that you live in compared to us in the states, and am inspired to live in a more simple, frugal way!

  5. r those called neato plants? i always thought they are some sorts of palm trees commonly found in southeast asia

  6. Very colorful! I love the tree! Interesting choice of a tire for a planter, but hey, they painted it and made it their own.

  7. Thanks for sharing the photos. I keep checking your blog -- my husband and I are considering going to Thailand as missionaries. I'm curious to keep reading your blog to see what it's like as a mom in another country.

  8. O how wonderful to see where you are! I love to put a picture in my head when I talk with you.

    Lindsey, this blog has been amazing! Look how many people you are touching!

    And way to go Rachel on considering becoming a missionary! The LORD will NEVER let you down!

  9. HI!!! SOOO awesome to meet you, thanks for stopping by my blog!! :) I am thrilled to browse around through your blog....very cool! We were missionaries in PNG with New Tribes Mission for a while but are home now. We know a family who works in a tribal location in Panama! Wow, such a big difference when you think about life in America. Living out of the country, esp in a third world country will give you such a new outlook on everything! Look forward to getting to know you more... God bless!
