
I almost didn't make it...

without internet all day! For whatever reason ( because it's Panama...) our internet has been down since last night! I didn't realize how CRAZY I would be without it... until I didn't have it! I literally felt like I was losing my mind! The internet is my connection with the outside world, and I really couldn't believe how helpless and isolated I felt without it... even for just a few hours. Pathetic, huh?
So anyways, I'm back on as you can see... at least for now.


  1. O man! I'm glad its back up for you!
    I can't even imagine no internet over here. It's such a vital part of my business.

    I have an award waiting for you on my blog as well :)

  2. Oh, I'd lose it too! lol I'm not in another country but I certainly would miss it lots. It's how I usually talk to family and friends since we live out of state.

  3. Yikes...I would lose my mind without internet!

  4. Ha, so we were having the same problem! Gotta love Latin America!
